rhodsey - Mon 10 Feb - 09:13

While going through my folks loft I just found a 1st edition copy of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay from the late 80's. Anyone want to look through it if I bring Thursday? Just for nostalgia or interest

Inept - Wed 5 Feb - 20:13

Hi allapologies again, I have to work several projects have concertinered together... its likely to be a busy few days... catch you next week.

Inept - Wed 22 Jan - 21:47

Hoi Chummers... unfortunately i have reports to finish by COP Friday. the way things are going I will not be playing tomorrow night so no Welsh Lady for you boyz... try not to get geeked.

mikeawmids - Tue 7 Jan - 22:25

January is New Gamemaster Month, apparently.https://newgamemastermonth.com/

rhodsey - Thu 2 Jan - 14:06

Bloody phone interface. That was for a thread but point still stands

rhodsey - Thu 2 Jan - 14:04

Nice. Scenario has 6 pregens but can run with a few as wellm anyone from shadow run still coming or others without game welcome for a week or two

Val - Thu 2 Jan - 08:07

Sorry Shadowrunners I am currently enjoying a high temperature with flu so sadly I have to cancel the game tonight.

mikeawmids - Tue 24 Dec - 20:45

Merry Christmas to everyone at the BCRPS!

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